Carter nuget 4.2 and 5

Im trying to add versions 4.2 and 5 of carter to the api web application

When building with 4.2 I get

Exception processing package reference carter:[4.2.0] : Could not obtain file handle for file /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/NuGet/carter/4.2.0/carter.nuspec

and 5 I get

Exception processing package reference carter:[5.0.0] : Access to the path “/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/NuGet/carter/5.0.0/carter.nuspec” is denied.

4.1 works but is that because its pulling it from .nuget/packages/carter/4.1.0

I dont 4.2 and 5 on my machine. This is the stack trace

-> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveEchoesReferencesForTarget started for APIWebApplication, Echoes.
-> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsProcessNuGetReferences started for APIWebApplication, Echoes.
D: Package Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref:3.1.0 found in local cache.
D: Package Microsoft.ASPNETCore.App.Ref:3.0.0 found in local cache.
E: Exception processing package reference carter:[5.0.0] : Access to the path “/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/NuGet/carter/5.0.0/carter.nuspec” is denied.
D: | at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.XmlDocument.FromFile (System.String aFileName) [0x0008f] in :0
D: | at RemObjects.Elements.Basics.ConcreteNuGetPackage.Setup () [0x0037e] in <2baba10af0e84c7bbc1507ede04e48b8>:0
D: | at RemObjects.Elements.Basics.NuGetRepository.$meta_GetCachedCopyOfConcretePackageWithName (RemObjects.Elements.Basics.PackageRepository+MetaClass $meta, System.String aName, System.String aVersion) [0x000f6] in <2baba10af0e84c7bbc1507ede04e48b8>:0
D: | at RemObjects.Elements.Basics.NuGetRepository+MetaClass.GetCachedCopyOfConcretePackageWithName (System.String aName, System.String aVersion) [0x0000e] in <2baba10af0e84c7bbc1507ede04e48b8>:0
D: | at RemObjects.Elements.Basics.NuGetRepository.$meta_GetBestMatchingCachedCopyOfConcretePackageWithName (RemObjects.Elements.Basics.PackageRepository+MetaClass $meta, System.String aName, System.String aVersion) [0x000a5] in <2baba10af0e84c7bbc1507ede04e48b8>:0
D: | at RemObjects.Elements.Basics.NuGetRepository+MetaClass.GetBestMatchingCachedCopyOfConcretePackageWithName (System.String aName, System.String aVersion) [0x0000e] in <2baba10af0e84c7bbc1507ede04e48b8>:0
D: | at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsProcessNuGetReferences.FindConcretePackageWithName (System.String aName, System.String aVersion) [0x0004a] in <75c451ab73d6478b9741787c0a31a5a3>:0
D: | at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsProcessNuGetReferences.ProcessNuGetReference (RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildObject aReference) [0x00299] in <75c451ab73d6478b9741787c0a31a5a3>:0


Its odd because I can add other versions of nugets that arent on my machine. Like octokit 0.36.0

I fixed it by removing /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/NuGet/carter, restarted Fire and built.

Looks like they are still shipping broken zip files with wrong permissions. Try doing a clean, delete the folder, and rebuild. The “problem” is that Fire (native libEBuild) is running unzip when resolving references, and that preserves file permissions as they are in the zip (no option to override). the build (.NET EBuild) uses it’s own zip library, and it will discard permissions, which shoukld work,.