Checking tupple values in switch statement causing compiler errors

IDE: Fire
Version: Version (develop) built on talax, 20190429-101133. Commit 7d23006
Target (If relevant): iOS
I have found this code snippet in an existing (Xcode) project and I noticed it’s not compiling in Silver. I am trying to create tupple of two enums and check the values in switch-statement like this:

/// Represents the state of the view state machine
public enum ViewStateMachineState : Equatable {
    case none            // No view shown
    case view(String)    // View with specific key is shown

public func == (lhs: ViewStateMachineState, rhs: ViewStateMachineState) -> Bool {
    switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.none, .none): return true
        case (.view(let lName), .view(let rName)): return lName == rName
        default: return false

Expected Behavior:
Allow to compile this code and check the values of an (inline?) topple within a switch-statement

Actual Behavior:
The compiler is throwing the following errors instead:

E:                Syntax error [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
E:                comma or closing parenthesis expected, got "let" [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
E:                Syntax error [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
E:                comma or closing parenthesis expected, got "let" [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
                  Reference: /Users/x/Development/Compilers/ SDKs/iOS 12.2 Simulator/CoreFoundation.fx (implicit)
                  -> Phase Resolving Bodies started.
                     Reference: /Users/x/Development/Compilers/ SDKs/iOS 12.2 Simulator/CloudKit.fx
E:                   Tuple expected for expression [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (11)]
E:                   Tuple expected for expression [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
E:                   Unknown identifier "lName" [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
                     Reference: /Users/x/Development/Compilers/ SDKs/iOS 12.2 Simulator/CoreLocation.fx
E:                   Unknown identifier "rName" [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
                  <- Phase Resolving Bodies finished, took 1.0034s.
                  -> Phase Checking Members started.
                  <- Phase Checking Members finished, took 0.0608s.
                  -> Phase Generating Helper Types started.
E:                   Member "<special>.view" of type "<unknown type>" is a variable but is used as a method [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
E:                   Member "<special>.view" of type "<unknown type>" is a variable but is used as a method [/Users/x/Documents/App3/RootViewController.swift (12)]
                  <- Phase Generating Helper Types failed.

Step 1 Create a simple iOS application
Step 2 Copy code below in ViewController.swift
Step 3 Try to compile

import UIKit

/// Represents the state of the view state machine
public enum ViewStateMachineState : Equatable {
    case none            // No view shown
    case view(String)    // View with specific key is shown

public func == (lhs: ViewStateMachineState, rhs: ViewStateMachineState) -> Bool {
    switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.none, .none): return true
        case (.view(let lName), .view(let rName)): return lName == rName
        default: return false

@IBObject class RootViewController : UIViewController {
    var currentState: String?
    //let color: UIColor = .clear

    public override func viewDidLoad() {


    public override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


You know it’d save us SO much time if you can just attach the test project so we don’t have to try and repeat those steps…

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Here you go :slight_smile:

Thanks, logged as bugs://82494

bugs://82494 got closed with status fixed.

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Great thank you!