Cocoa Bindings

I don’t suppose anybody knows where to find good resources on cocoa bindings. ?

The mac developer library doesn’t seem extensive enough.


what do you need? maybe i can help, i’ve used/use them quite a bit.

Thanks for the offer.

Say I have a classes called Employee and Department

Department = public class
property Id:Integer;
property Name:String;

Employee = public class
property Id:Integer;
property DepartmentId:Integer;

I want to have UI to edit the employee

So I have an array of departments which I have bound to an NSArrayController. I have an NSPopupButton which I want to use to select the employees DepartmentId. The content of the NSPopupButton is the NSArrayController

Currently I have everything hooked up so that the SelectedIndex on the NSPopupButton is attached to the NSArrayController selectionIndex. This means when I have finished editing the employee I have to manually get the current department so that I have the departmentId

I have a NSViewController with a property of type Employee. I would like to keep the DepartmentId of that object in sync with whats in the NSPopupButton.

I cant seem to work out a way of doing this.
