Computed Properties in functions

IDE: Visual Studio X/Fire
Version: (develop)
Target (If relevant): Island(OSX)
Swift allows declaring computed “properties”, that is variables with a getter and setter, within a function.

Expected Behavior:
Actual Behavior:
See below.

  func local_properties<T>(_ t: inout T) {
	  var prop: T { // E504 Semicolon (;) required to separate two statements on the same line
					// E120 Statement expected
		  get {
			  return t
		  set {
			  t = newValue
	  var foo: Int { 0 } // E504 Semicolon (;) required to separate two statements on the same line
						 // E120 Statement expected

Thanks, logged as bugs://83648

bugs://83648 got closed with status fixed.