Conforming to Equatable Protocol

I have a struct that I copied over from Xcode where it compiles fine. Because structs with methods aren’t supported yet, I converted it to a class.

However, it still doesn’t compile. I get an error:
Method “static op_Equality(_ lhs: instancetype, _ rhs: instancetype) -> Bool” not implemented as required for interface. The protocol only requires the == method and it’s there.

This is my class:

public class SharedIndexPath: Equatable {
	typealias Element = Int

	var indices:[Element] = []

	var count: Int {
		return indices.count

	var row: Int {
		return indices[1]

	var section: Int {
		return indices[0]

	public static func ==(lhs: SharedIndexPath, rhs: SharedIndexPath) -> Bool {
		guard lhs.count == rhs.count else { return false }
		return lhs.row == rhs.row && lhs.section == rhs.section

	init() { }

	init(indexes: [Element]) {
		for index in indexes {

	init(row: Int, section: Int = 0) {

Why won’t this compile under Silver? Fire version