Converting VB.Net to Mercury in Command Line


Based on the forum post here:

and the video: " Importing your existing Visual Basic.NET projects to use them in Mercury."

I wanted to ask, if you can enable this feature within the “RemObjects.Elements.ProjectSystem.dll” as well, so it would be possible to transform an VB.Net project to Mercury at runtime.

THX a lot in advance

It’s already available via RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.dll:

var p := new RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.EBuildElementsProject withFile("path/to.vbproj" Format(".vbproj");

(the Format parameter ia actually ignored, it goes by the file extension. It remains to work around a limitation with contractor overloading in .NET).

That said, you can also convert via ebuild.exe

ebuild --convert /path/to.vbproj /path/to.elements

Which does the same, but is more future proof in case the above API, which is not officially public, should ever change.



Hey Marc!

THX a lot for this information!

Have a nice day - Harald


any time; you too!