Could not load .NET Core dbgshim library when launching debugger


raise new Exception($"Could not load .the NET Core dbgshim library at {s}. Error: {Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(OSX_dlerror())}");

it looks like the OS isn’t returning one. run file on /usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/5.0.8/libdbgshim.dylib, is it x86_64, too? Mine (well, I’m on 5.0.6, but…), is.

Silly Q. .NET Core 5 doesn’t support ARM anyways; only 6 does…

Can I download arm for .net 6 ? I could give it a try

.net 6 for arm works

Curious. thats the one that didn’t work for mw…

Strange, you had the same error ?

Here I am stopped on a breakpoint

Various different errors about not being ab le to load one .dylib or the other, depending on the version I targeted, when I had arm installed.

Part of the problem is/was that dotnet exe only has one architecture, so with .NET 6 arm64 installed, .NET 5 x86 could no longer run either… I forgot all thedetials and different combinations.

but if .NET Core 6 works for you id say :raised_hands:t3:. I’ll retest more again in the future here.