Crosspost: Cannot compile Application in Delphi XE4 and Lazarus

Crosspost: German Umlaute with Lazarus - #13 by Manfred

Since the new Version of RemObjects SDK for Delphi - since Mon, Sep 21, 2015.
I cannot compile my Projects in Delphi XE4 and Lazarus 1.4.2.
Lazarus was already Mention before:

This Code:


Shows this Error ( in Lazarus and Delphi ):

[dcc32 Error] UDM_member.pas(889): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'FillWithDASql' that can be called with these arguments

we have 3 overloads for FillWithDASql:

    procedure FillWithDASql(aTable: TDADataTable; aSQL: String; aParameters: DataParameterArray); overload;
    procedure FillWithDASql(aTables: array of TDADataTable; aSQLs: array of String; aParameters: array of DataParameterArray); overload;
    procedure FillWithDASql(aTables: array of TDADataTable; aSQLs: array of String); overload;

pls replace your code as

ClientDataModule.RemoteDataAdapter.FillWithDASql(DM_reports.tbl_rep_camps,sql_string_rep_camp, nil);
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Thank you, now it works again. :wink: