Data Abstract server send message to clients

I have started a Data Abstract custom server project using the wizard in Delphi, and a server project and client project is made. Now I want the server to send messages to the clients when something changes on the server. I have added a service and an event sink using the Remobject Service Builder. I have gone through the demos of Remoting SDK, and I have seen how this done there. What is the best way to hook everything up in Data Abstract Project? Do I need a second server component? Where shall I put the TROEventRepository on the server side?


Data Abstract custom server is usual Remoting SDK server.
as a result, you should put EventRepository component to server data module.

I’ve attached our sample from DA7 that demonstrates usage of EventRepository in Data Abstract project (5.4 MB)

From your sample project I see that the DASampleService is inherited from TDataAbstractService and the standard Dataservice is inherited from DASampleService. Is this the preferred way of adding an extra service to a Dataabstract project?


not yet.

ofc, you can use

TDataService = class(TDataAbstractService, IDataService)