DataAbstact for Delphi, Server Edition install error

For the past 4-5 versions, I have had to manually recompile the DataAbstract BPLs because the installer stops compiling at an error and doesn’t continue. Can you fix the installer to move past the error and compile the rest or fix the cause of the error? Win32 or Win64 do not get compiled by the installer.

C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Data Abstract for Delphi\Source\Drivers\uDAFireDACDriver.pas(396) Fatal: F2613 Unit ‘FireDAC.Phys.DB2’ not found.


I do not have OSX installed.


What delphi version and edition do you have?

AFAIR we have some reports that Delphi installer doesn’t set Edition key correctly, so can you check that Edition is set correctly in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\18.0 (for Delphi 10.2 Berlin)? For others version set your version instead of 18.0 here
otherwise you can apply this .reg file and try to reinstall DAD



workaround: add this key to registry manually and reinstall delphi.

Fantastic! I wonder why my registry didn’t have that value?

I started with Seattle, then upgraded to Berlin (with no update), then yesterday to Berlin update 2. I’m using the RAD subscription, which may explain why that key was not added.

Thanks for your help!

probably installation was failed during compiling packages for Seattle …
anyway, we have fixed this issue and now DAD setup looks in HKLM hive additionally.