Using a custom Delphi DataAbstract Server, how could we view the Schema tables and fields during runtime to make sure we are using current loaded schema? How do we call the Schema and then list the tables and fields from the server.
We are sometimes loading a new schema in the OnCreate of the DataService_Impl. We would like to check that schema loaded against the current database on that specific machine. Just to make sure we have everything in sync.
Thank you. We have been able to pull the schema tables and fields and get the information that we needed. Below is the code if anyone wishes to use it. Just use whatever you wish for the in memory datatables.
The next thing we are working on is updating the schema on the working server.
How do we add, edit, and delete fields from the schema while the server is in operation?
We would like to sometimes add a new field to an existing table, or maybe alter the Display Format.
We can certainly do this by altering and loading a completely new schema but we would like to modify on the existing schema just maybe one field. Can that be done? We have been able to pull an example of one field by finding the TDADataSet and then getting the TDAField. Then we have assigned the DisplayFormat to that Field on the Schema.
How do we make the change persist on the Schema? Are these values read only?