Delphi 10.2 Tokyo FireDAC issues?

Has anyone noticed any problems with FireDAC in 10.2 Tokyo?

I’m in the process of updating from XE6 to 10.2 Professional with the FireDAC C/S add-on. I’m using the latest version of DA and we’re using FireDAC to talk to an MSSQL database.

The application runs fine, loading and using the FireDAC drivers without a problem. When the app closes however, I get a load (13 to be precise) of access violations which all appear to be occuring as FireDAC tries to unload it’s drivers.

I’m not sure what’s going on here or even whether it’s a FireDAC or DA issue but I thought I’d ask whether anyone else has had a similar problem?

Also, not sure if this is related, but, of the five DA database drivers I have present in the palette, the TDAFireDACDriver is the only one without the correct icon. It has the generic Delphi “sphere, pyramid & cube” icon instead. The other TDAHETDriver, TDAADODriver, TDASQLiteDriver and TDADBXDriver components have the correct icon.

Is something not installed correctly?

This is easily reproducible for me. Just create a new project using the wizard, with a server and client application, and use FireDAC/MSSQL to connect to a database inside the wizard. Once the project is created, just run the server in the IDE and then close it again and it generates an AV as each FireDAC driver is unloaded.

Can you see if the same happens for you? Right now I don’t know if it’s an issue with FireDAC itself within Delphi or DA’s use of FireDAC.

Thanks, logged as bugs://77716

bugs://77716 got closed with status fixed.

Aha, can I get hold of this fix somewhere?

they have updated their sources in 10.2 and added finalization sections like


and it causes this issue.

as a workaround, update uDAFireDACDriver.pas and comment FDTerminate; in TDAEFireDACDriver.Destroy like

destructor TDAEFireDACDriver.Destroy;
//  FDTerminate; <<<<<<<< changed
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Ok thanks I’ll give that a go

Yep that appears to have cleared it, thanks.