you are first person who report about issues with Delphi7.
according to error, you have issue on compiler level (dcc70.dll) and in runtime (rtl70.bpl).
can you a bit describe your application?
if you don’t pass Delphi object between host and plugin, you may try crossplatform mode. in this case, you can compile host and plugin w/o runtime packages.
see more at the Cross Platform sample.
for Delphi7, you need to compile only VCLHost & VCLPlugin projects
Hi - I have now got back to testing this problem!
I have built the VCLHost & VCLPlugin projects and they work. I wanted to add one of our projects and see if it fails.
My DLL is in the host directory and I kept getting this error message
‘Cannot assign a TStringList to a TStringList’
So I created a new project from scratch that went through ‘Hydra Module Wizard’ and then try to load it via the VCLHost app. But i am getting the same error.
Can you see what i may have missed please?
I have attached the (7.6 MB)