Delphi CodeFirst Client - update interface with supertcps (TLS/SSL)

Hi there,
Now we have a .net Server running with a 64bit Delphi 11.3 Client (RO Version .1561) using SSL. Today i’ve tried the first time to update the Client with the modified Server Interface changing the remoteRodl URL to supertcps. Now the IDE complains “could not load SSL library”. Do i have to copy the open SSL Dll’s “libssl-3-x64.dll” and “libcrypto-3-x64.dll” to some directory? If so - where to? If not what else to do?
Thanks againg


We are using Indy-based components in IDE packages for better compatibility.
They are using OpenSSL v1.02 - ssleay32.dll & libeay32.dll

You can download win32 version of OpenSSL v1.02 at

these .dll can be put in any folder that is present in system %path% variable.
