Does not afterLogin event handler work in trial version?


I couldn’t accomplish to run afterLogin event handler on Relativity Server. I’m using latest trial v6.0.55.957.

The steps I’ve followed
1- Installing latest data abstract for delphi trail
2- Running relativity.exe
3- Adding the event handler below to PCTrade schema on the Relativity Server

function afterLogin(userName, parameters)
log(“calling afterLogin event handler”);

4- Using the “Multi Level Details” delphi sample “Use Relativity Server” checked
5- Checking the Relativity Server’s log and nothing appears

Am I doing something wrong?


There should be no differences between full and trial version; if this indeed doesn’t work it sounds like a bug…


Please note that afterLogin/beforeLogin events are Domain-level events, not Schema-level.

Unfortunately afterLogin/beforeLogin events are not exposed in the Schema Modeler, but they still can be set via direct edit of the Domain configuration file.

Sorry for inconvenience.

note to self, we need to expose the per-domain script file in DASM, asap. logging an issue.

Thanks, logged as bugs://54027 for review
Posted by Bugs for Mac

I’m sorry for late response. Thank you for your answers.