Dropbox Framework

I need to add dropbox support, and have an error importing the framework. Here are my steps, using GitHub - dropbox/dropbox-sdk-obj-c: Official Objective-C SDK for the Dropbox API v2. as a starting point, using carthage to create the framework:

  1. Install brew with

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  1. Install Carthage with
brew update
brew install carthage
  1. Create a Cartfile in my project with:
# ObjectiveDropboxOfficial
github "https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-obj-c" ~> 3.7.0
  1. Build the framework with

carthage update --platform iOS

  1. Import the framework into Fire (.2265), when I get the following error:
Parsing (root) file: ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.h
An error occurred: HeaderImporter.ParserException: ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.h (45) Cannot find include file: ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/DBSDKImportsShared.h
  at HeaderImporter.CParser+<>c__DisplayClass1.<.>b__2 (System.String a, System.Boolean rela) [0x00178] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.Preprocessor.raise_OnImport (System.String arg1, System.Boolean arg2) [0x0000a] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.Preprocessor.Process (System.String aFN, System.IO.TextReader aInput) [0x009ff] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.CParser..ctor (HeaderImporter.CParserConfig aConfig) [0x00434] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.CParser..ctor (System.String aInputFN, System.String aInput, System.Boolean aPreprocess, System.Int32 aBitSize, System.Func`4[T1,T2,T3,TResult] aInclude, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] aPreprocessorDefines, System.Func`5[T1,T2,T3,T4,TResult] aval, System.Boolean aWantComments, System.Func`4[T1,T2,T3,TResult] aLoadFile) [0x0004b] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.Import.DoImportWithState (System.String aFileName) [0x003c6] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.Import.IntMain (System.String[] args) [0x00713] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 
  at HeaderImporter.ConsoleApp.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0014b] in <bf6441df6c8d445fb8f9bc2d634ac9d9>:0 

                Error calling Process.Execute: Failed with error code: 1
System.Exception: Failed with error code: 1
  at RemObjects.Train.API.Shell.Exec (RemObjects.Script.EcmaScript.ExecutionContext ec, System.Object aSelf, System.Object[] args) [0x003b9] in <83e82f061e6b4782a4257ba7b0c51710>:0 
              } shell.exec(/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/HeaderImporter.exe) 
            } function runHeaderImporterForLibrary 
          } function doProcessLibrary 
        } function processLibrary 
      } function processiOSDeviceLibrary 
    } function processiOSLibrary 
  } function processIOSFramework 
} script 

I see the DBSDKImportsShared.h file, in the checkouts source folder, but what’s missing to get Fire to see it?


iirc that was fixed last week, or so. what build are you using?

Actually, maybe not. can you send me the .framework, zipped up?

Yep, will do, using .2265 btw.

I get a different error here:

Error ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/DBTasks.h (92:133 pp: 7546): Exception while processing node
An error occurred: System.Exception: ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/DBTasks.h (92:36 pp: 7546):  Name TResponse  COULD NOT BE FOUND: TResponse

looks like a bug with our parsing of generics, as the line looks fine.

@interface DBRpcTask <TResponse, TError> : DBTask

Thanks, logged as bugs://79871

bugs://79871 got closed with status fixed.

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