EBuild: Null Reference Exception

During dependency resolution I get a null reference exception.

                          Adding dependency System.Runtime.Numerics:4.3.0 from NETStandard.Library:2.0.0-preview1-25212-02.
                          Adding dependency System.ComponentModel:4.0.1 from Autofac:4.5.0.
                          Adding dependency elmah.corelibrary:1.2.2 from Elmah:1.2.2.

E: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This is the project
HttpPipelineApplication.zip (2.1 MB)

will have a look tomorrow.


                if not assigned(lEntry) then
                  raise new Exception(String.Format("Version {0} not found in package Json", Version));
                var lPackageContent := lEntry["packageContent"]:StringValue;
                if not assigned(lEntry) then
                  raise new Exception(String.Format("Package content URL not found in package Json"));

that said the JSON is missing the packageContent entry, so this’ll still fail. i won’t know where to download that package… What does VS do? just not add any references for it?

VS adds elmah and elmah.corelibrary to the packages folder.

So what your saying is the json for elmah is missing the packageContext so you dont know where to get elmah.corelibrary ?