Elements 10 Highlights 1/2018

Over the past month we've shipped five new update builds for Elements 10, and we're hoping that today's build will be promoted to "Stable" next week, making .2249 the first build of Elements 10 to then be available publicly to users without an active subscription – including for trial users, and those using the Swift language for free.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blogs.remobjects.com/2018/02/02/elements-10-recap-january/

Default Interface Implementations are awesome.

I found some code that allowed you to move rows in UITableViews around. I wanted to be able to add the support to a UITableViewController by simply adding an interface declaration like this.

RootViewController = public class(UITableViewController,IMoveableUITableView)

I could almost do with an extension class it but in the end I had to add a method to RootViewController.

[IBAction]method longPressGestureRecognized(sender:id);

It was a bit ugly but now I can achieve what I wanted by moving that method into the interface like this

  IMoveableUITableView = public interface
    property MoveableObjects : NSMutableArray read;
    property tableView: UITableView read;

    [IBAction]method longPressGestureRecognized(sender:id);

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Will the Ellements 10 also support integration with Visual Studio 2015 and 2013 shell? Thanks.

Elements integrates with Visual Studio 2015 and 2017. We do not support 2013 anymore, sorry.

Thanks Marc.