Elements, tests and CI

Last week I have been working on writing an application for a board meeting and now there is interest to making it into a real app in the App Store. Awesome of course. Especially for a week’s work but now I am having some questions about how to deal with some aspects of making a real project out of it. Now a Android version (more fluent in iOS world) needs written, tests etc etc

I am wondering if anyone has any examples or guidance how to do the following for a Fire (Android/iOS) project?

  • How can I build and upload builds to Apple Connect via Gitlab CI? I am thinking that I should be able to use fastlane for the uploading and potentially the certificate management but what about the building. Anyone ever tried to do this before?
  • Does anyone have examples of unit tests written with EUnit for iOS/Android applications? Is mocking supported?
  • How can I do UI testing? Has anyone tried this before?

A person on Twitter suggested this following project https://testingwithfrank.github.io for UI testing for iOS. Looks promising as its written in Objective-C :slight_smile:

sure, yeah. I used fastlane a while back (forgot why I stooped, iirc it broke), and it worked fine. all it cares about isn having an .ipa to upload.

No concrete examples, I’m afraid, no. but it should “just work”.

i don’t see why not.

We don’t have anything specific for that, from our side. i assume any regular tool for iOS that works with Xcode-built apps would just work…