Error: The system cannot find the specified file, ClassID: {F94EEEBC-9966-4B32-9C9C-763B22E31B20}

Parallels VM with Windows 11 ARM on Mac M1, Delphi 11.3
Version: RemObjects Remoting SDK for Delphi -

  1. Started with the example project “First” and compilation failed with this error

  1. Opened a new project based on DLL Server (code first), got this error (file isn’t created)

  1. opened new project base on DLL Server (RODL based), got same error as 1.

I’m fairly lost …

Thanks in advance for some advice.



Error: The system cannot find the specified file, ClassID: {F94EEEBC-9966-4B32-9C9C-763B22E31B20}

looks like C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\RemObjects SDK (Common)\Bin\RemObjects.SDK.CodeGen4.dll wasn’t registered correctly by some reasons.

try to launch this .cmd with admin rights:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\RemObjects SDK (Common)\Bin"
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe RemObjects.SDK.Codegen4.dll
gacutil -i RemObjects.SDK.Codegen4.dll

after this restart Delphi IDE

  • Gacutil is a part of Microsoft Windows SDK and can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8.1 Tools or similar folder

more info about Gacutil at Gacutil.exe (Global Assembly Cache Tool) - .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn

Thanks Evegeny for reply.

The problem may be due to the fact that the RemObject libraries are not installed on C:.
gacutil was installed but not in Path.
After executing the .cmd file there were new errors, but I first uninstalled all RO libraries and then reinstalled the SDK on C:.
FirstSampleServer is now compiling without errors.

With the DLL server (code first), however, the interface unit is still not generated, but with the RODL version it is. I will test this further, the DLL server could be important for the current project.


Code-First Servers itself don’t use/generate _Intf.

_Intf is needed only for client-side.

in your case (Code-First DLL server), I can suggest to create additional project that uses http server and your _Impl(s) so you can receive .RODL from Code-First Server and generate _Intf for client-side.

Thanks Evegeny, my mistake then, I will learn it.