Field AsAnsiString


Using Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2 - DA 9.3.105

Trying to get a field of an IDADataset as AnsiString returns a string instead of an AnsiString

in unit uDACore - line 311
property AsAnsiString: string read GetAsAnsiString write SetAsAnsiString; //null->’’



as expected. we have deprecated AnsiString in favor of mobile platforms and Linux where is this type not present.

I can recommend to use AsBytes that can be easily transformed to AnsiString via PAnsiChar.

Hi Evgeny,

I understand why this is deprecated, but nevertheless we have ansistrings in our DB which have to be handled as ansistring.

I would have expected some “platform directives” in the code to handle these different situations because Windows still supports ansistrings.

That’s why I mentioned this…


Filip Lagrou

we have some methods in uROEncoding.pas for conversion from Ansi/UTF8 to Unicode and vice versa.