Fire and Cirrus question

Can Cirrus with Fire be used?


Best regards,
Jose A.

yes, why wouldn’t it?

In the documentation explains that it can only be used for NET.
Although, of course, on second thought, Fire allows to create .NET applications, so I should be able to use the Cirrus dll. True?

(a) Cirrus aspects can be USED on all platforms. they can only be WRITTEN in .NET (since they run inside the compiler).

(b) yes, Fire can build .NET projects , including Cirrus aspects.

If I create a dll with cirrus with new attributes, and I want to use those attributes in a Toffee project, how do I tell the compiler to use that dll for that project?

Just add a reference to it. which i realize Fire might actually not allow you to do, since it checks the extension. Add it manually in the project file for now, i’d say; i’ll need to check with Carlo for the exact rules before i enable this in the GUI.

Ok. Thanks Marc.