Fire Build Error

New installation of Fire. Xcode has been fired up and is able to compile new Mac apps however when I create a new Mac app in Fire and try to build it I get this error: bundle at '/Library' is missing file '/Library/Contents/version.plist'. It looks like maybe you do not have a full selected as active, but only the Xcode command line tools. Please refer to

Here are my paths in Fire:

Here’s the references in the navigator if that helps:

I thought the description for this error was fairly accurate and elaborate… ;). it even has a link to the docs page that shows you exactly how to configure Xcode.

It looks like maybe you do not have a full selected as active, but only the Xcode command line tools. Setting up Xcode for Cocoa Development with Fire

Fire uses the “active Xcode version” set on your system, which you can set in Xcode’s preferences, as shown in the screenshot below, and also with the xcode-select command line tool. For your system, it seems that no Xcode version is selected.

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Thanks @mh. I did see that page but couldn’t figure out why my Xcode preferences Derived Data path was empty.

I just ran sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ and now it builds.

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In fairness, Apple made this more awkward lately that sometimes Xcode will show the open version selected in the dropdown, but just then path blow it as empty, and you have to “select it again” to set the path. It used to be that the dropdown was empty/unselected, if no Xcode version was selected. Not sure why they changed that as I consider the new behavior “broken”.

I’ll see if I can update the docs to explain this corner-case.