Fire crashes when uploading to the device. Te app is uploaded to the device, but when it’s launching crashes Fire and the app in the phone. Later you can open the app (iOS) without problems.
Below are a crashing app and console Fire crash reports.
On closer inspection, this seems to be a stack overflow inside LLDB (Apple’s debugger), on tread 25, even though the actual crash is reported for Thread 0, which mislead me. We’ll need to investigate.
Would still be helpful to hear if you see this for any app, or just this one.
Curious, because additional research since I asked this pretty much confirms that the problem is with lldb not supporting arm64e yet, which the XS has, but the SE doesn’t. Sure the SE fails the same way? I can reproduce your problem with my XS, but (while I don’t have an SE) not with any of my “older” devices, they all work fine…
I just did a test on the Mac with XCode 10.0 (10A255) and the debugger works perfectly. I understand that Xcode uses the same lldb as Fire. So why does not it work with Fire, Water or VS?
Well. both use LLDB, which is open source, but Xcode and Elements boathouse their own “copy” of it, of course. Xcode’s version of LLDB has been updated to support arm64e, but those changes are not in the open LLDB code yet, so we don’t see them yet. We need to either wait for that or work out what fails and fix it ourself (which is what we’re working on right now).
For now, you can develop for XS, you just cannot debug. You can debug on the SE and in the Simulator, and you can use “Deploy” w/ manual launch to test on XS. Not super convenient, but hopefully not a total showstopper until we’ve figured things out?
Tomorrow’s build will fix the crash and “cleanly” fail sating that arm64e isn’t supported yet, and hopefully we’ll get debugging working soon (but not in time for tomorrow’s build, I’m afraid :().