Fire: unresolved findViewById in appcompat activity

while build is ok.
The left side reference shows exclamation marks on references
the code completion keeps complain this.

FYI. i set gradle path correctly.
I am using latest public release of Fire not beta.

Thank you.

1 Like

Can you send me the/a project that reproduces it? FWIW, if the Ice can’t find the reference, the fact that CC shows that error is expected; what we gotta figure out is why it can’t find the reference. We did make some fixes since last FTM that will be in 9.2 that could affect this.

how did you add the reference, via the Add Reference dialog in Fire?

(that said, it’s aways helpful if screenshots don’t cut off half of the relevant stuff. in this case, i cannot see all the errors in the list, and it’s pretty likely that the reason CC failed there is for oe of there errors that i can’t see, because the screenshot ends just above the good info… having the line numbers not cut/turned off would also help).

Yes. I used new add gradle reference feature, and also i tried the old gradle script too.
Both did not work properly.

the full error message, i thought it doesn’t help.

the code i will send it to your email due to size limit.

thank you.

K, your real problem for CC is that it doesn’t see the file, somehow.

No it isn’t
Fire doesn’t recognize package
When i change AppCompatActivity to Activity
All code completion works ok.
I hope it helps.

Ok, curious. but the error message eco;early states hat it doesn’t find R :wink:

No error on when I use Activity Class

FWIW, my gradle version is 3.2

Project file here

Works fine for me in latest; i’d appreciate of you could check with the current beta or the upcoming 9.2 release, as we didn’t make fixes to gradle resolving inside the IDE.

I ordered Elements to get a beta copy of elements
just to check out on my laptop

And i found it is same! gamma
I rebuilded and clean builded.
I can not see aar is loading automatically.

I am sad

Curious. do me a favor:

  • enable “ebuild” in Preferences|Build
  • set the build log to Detailed or Debug
  • build
  • send me/post the log

the build with ebuild wot WORK, but it will use the same resolving logic s the IDE uses, and emit detailed errors why it cant find the ref.

withoutebuild.txt (709.0 KB)
ebuild.txt (5.4 KB)

For my mac, ebuild cannot clean the build and build.
And without ebuild it builds but arr is not resolved.

Hmm, curious, it doesnt even find swift.jar, cooper.jar and elements.jar, so out never gets to trying for the Gradle. Weird, and i need to debug why, but that’s unrelated.

Can you (just for testing) remove those three references, and build with EBuild again and post that log?

Oddly, both parts resolve fine here, the plain refs and the gradle one.

      Project: <RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.EBuildElementsProject:>
                        Preparing target 'Cooper' for platform 'Cooper'.
                              JDK found in '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_92.jdk/Contents/Home'.
                              JRE found in '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_92.jdk/Contents/Home/jre'.
                                 Android SDK found in '/Users/mh/Library/Android/sdk'.
                                 Android Build Tools found in '/Users/mh/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/26.0.1'.
                              No exact platform version was specificed for target 'Cooper', using android-26.
                           Reference 'android' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-26/android.jar' for target 'Cooper'.
                           Reference 'swift' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Code/Elements/Bin/References/Cooper/swift.jar' via XML for target 'Cooper'.
                           Reference 'cooper' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Code/Elements/Bin/References/Cooper/cooper.jar' via XML for target 'Cooper'.
                           Reference 'elements' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Code/Elements/Bin/References/Cooper/elements.jar' via XML for target 'Cooper'.
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding dependency from
                              Adding .aar reference appcompat-v7-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .jar reference support-annotations-26.0.0-alpha1.jar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-v4-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-compat-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-media-compat-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-core-utils-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-core-ui-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-fragment-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference support-vector-drawable-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Adding .aar reference animated-vector-drawable-26.0.0-alpha1.aar.
                              Expanding appcompat-v7-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-v4-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-compat-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-media-compat-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-core-utils-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-core-ui-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-fragment-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding support-vector-drawable-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Expanding animated-vector-drawable-26.0.0-alpha1 to /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding .jar reference /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding manifest xml part file /Users/mh/Downloads/
                              Adding res folder /Users/mh/Downloads/

Does this dialog show valid paths for you, and when you double-click the one selected, does the folder that opens have the three files?

That’s odd

I only have two lines.

I verified the path in finder too. it is there!

only android reference is remained

ebuildwithoutrefs.txt (7.7 KB)

extreme log

Hmm, i think i know whats going on. EBuild uses the external compiler and it’s reference files, but not the ones we ship inside Fire yet, to resolve refs. i never notice, because i have the external compiler installed (you don’t, nit should you need to). lemme confirm and then fix that ;).

that doesn’t explain the Gradle one, but it does the rest.