Firebird 3.0


Latest FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll is compatible with Firebird 3.0 ?

EX: Encryption and compression.



Current beta uses 4.6.1 driver version, upcoming Beta will use . Please refer to the driver developer documentation for details on features supported by the driver.



If I want to update, just replace the dll? or you have to recompile?

You need to replace the dll and update the DataAbstract.daConfig file. for Relativity Server it it placed next to the .exe file
Find there line like

<AssemblyName Value="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient, Version=

and update the version # there. After that restart the application.

Please note that old versions of Relativity Server use .NET 3.5 and they cannot load latest FirebirdSQL drivers. You can find the FW version being used at http://localhost:7099/ , in the very bottom of the pafe. If Framework number there starts with 2 then you need to update the Relativity Server first.


thank you so much