Firebird Empty Varchar fields, Range Check Errors


DataAbstract version
Database Firebird 3.0,
Driver IBDAC 9.3.2

When compiling the application, I include the sources of the RemObjects SDK and DataAbstract frameworks.
If I try to edit a record that has a varchar field filled with an empty string (null’s work ok)
an exception of Exception class ERangeError with message ‘Range check error’ is raised in the line

unit uDaMemDataSet;
TDADBSupport.ExtractFieldData(ldata, fOffsets[i], lSize, fDataTypeArray[i], GetStoreStringsAsReference, lbuf);

This message appears on the DEBUG profile where the $RANGECHECK compilation option is on.
On older versions of DataAbstract this does not happen.
On the RELEASE profile with $RANGECHECK OFF the exception does not appear but I do not know if other problems can occur.

In DEBUG mode I prefer to use the $RANGECHECK ON option to be able to find other problems in my code.

It’s a bit annoying when the debug version behaves differently than the release version.

Best regards,
Tiberiu Stoicescu


Is it possible to create a simple testcase?

You can drop it to support@ for keeping privacy.