Generate Async File

RODA Gurus,

Prior to version 9.1 it was as I recall fairly intuitive on how to regenerate the XXX_Async.pas file. Now with v9.1 I can’t for the life of me find how to regenerate the async file.

Please Advise

Monte Carver

nowadays code from _Async was generated into _Intf.

Thank You… Explains why I could not find how to generate it. The reason I asked is because when I attempt to compile/build against the Intf files in my Delphi client (IW app) I am getting the following error:

[dcc64 Fatal Error] LibCCOK_A_Intf.pas(6624): F2084 Internal Error: IRBB304. Leaving the compiler cursor at the bottom of
procedure TableRequestInfoV5.ReadComplex(aSerializer: TObject);

Any idea where/why this is surfacing.

And THANK YOU… for providing such EXCELLENT support.

Monte Carver

from :

try to compile project with another version of delphi - probably this error will be gone