Generated _intf file methods are incorrectly named?

I have a .rodl file which is used to generate two interface files, one for Delphi and one for .NET.

Whether I generate these files from the command line (using rodl2code.exe) or within the service builder application using the CodeGen menu I encounter the same issue. Both files are generated but while the Delphi file can be used, the .NET one is generated with a two method names which are not recognised.

Specifically, IROService appears to expose methods called __GetMessage() and __ClearMessage(). Note that both method names begin with two underscores. The generated code however references the same methods but with three underscores. A simple find-replace on the file is enough to fix the issue, but as you can imagine, it complicates the build process.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there an option somewhere which can resolve this issue?

RemObjects SDK Version is I see there is a more recent release but I don’t see any fixes which relate to this issue.


I’ve just double-checked the 9.4.107 build in a clean VM and there were no issues with the ___GetMessage method.

Please double-check that your client app project references. It seems that the project does reference something older than the 9.4.107 build of Remoting SDK.


It sounds like you’re using new codeine against older versions of the library. These names were changed from 2 to 3 underscores (in codeine and library) for compatibility reasons (two underscores prefix are “reserved” for new keywords in C#, causing a conflict in new C# dialects, thats why we changed to use three.

Can you make sure that the .dlls you are referencing are the latest and match the installed SDK version?


Thanks for the advice here. The RemObjects.SDK reference in the server project was to an older build ( With that resolved it now accepts the three-underscore versions of the methods.


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