Generated Swift interface will not build


When importing a swift interface file in Xcode, generated from a RODL, I am getting a lot of build errors of the following kinds:

  • Cannot convert value of type ‘NSData!’ to expected argument type ‘Data?’
  • Cannot convert value of type ‘NSDate!’ to expected argument type ‘Date?’
  • Cannot assign value of type ‘Date?’ to type ‘NSDate!’

The errors are all about the DateTime or Binary field defined in the RODL.

There is also another issue when using the HttpAPI:

  • Nil is not compatible with expected argument of type ‘Any’

For example in this piece of code:

public func LoginPatient(_ patient: P_WebshopPatient!, _ pharmId: String!) -> String! {

		var __result: String!

		let __localMessage: ROMessage! = (self.__message.copy() as! ROMessage)

		__localMessage.setupAttributes(DictionaryFromNameValueList(false, "httpapipath", "/login", "httpapimethod", "POST", "httpapiresult", "200", "httpapitags", "Login", nil))

But I wont’t be using this in the iOS project so this is not really an issue for me at the moment.

Is there a known workaround for this? The automated ‘Fix-it’ proposed by Xcode does fix some issues, but is having difficulties with fixing all of them.

Kind regards,

Curious. those should be compatible. Can you send me the RODL and the client sample project?

I’ll send you the project/RODL via dm.
