Goto type definition crashing Fire

I dont see anything in console but the attached app seems to always crash (584.1 KB)

There is this line of code

  var redis := multiplexor.GetDatabase;

If I click on redis and select goto type definition it always crashes.


Reproduced, thanx. it looks like the path that would show an error (not sure what that error is, yet) crashes do to a problem in MZ. Will fix for today’s build.

Thanks, logged as bugs://84171

Wow, that’s a real three-for you found here

(a) GTTD actually is broken in this place
(b) both Fire and Water didn’t handle showing errors for GTTD properly
© and on top of that there was a bug in the managed/native layer, that caused the crash in Fire.

(b) and © are fixed; the above issue is logged for (a)

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bugs://84171 got closed with status fixed.