
Я начал учебу программному делу, и у меня возник вопрос « [ тег ] for < full stop > это error?, но сервер всеравно online и значит это не < full stop > ? » . Спасибо за уделённое время


I’m afraid we can only provide support here in English. That said, Google Translate made this out of your question

I started studying software, and I had the question "[tag] for is error ?, but the server is vseravno online and it means it is not ? ". Thank you for your time

to which I can only say that I’m not sure what you’re asking?

I started studying software, and I had a question "[tag] for is an error ?, but the server is {no stop} online and it means is (not full stop)? ". Thank you for your time

I’m writer at englesh

I think onli (STOP AC/DS ?)

Извините, но мы не понимаем - пожалуйста, обратитесь за помощью к человеку, свободно владеющему английским языком.

Sorry, I’m really crazy. I’ll go learn