Hints/Warnings on compile

When I compile, I get the following hints and warnings, are they normal?
Is there something I should be concerned about?

[dcc32 Warning] uPSRuntime.pas(2757): W1036 Variable ‘Curr’ might not have been initialized
[dcc32 Warning] tbutilclass.pas(55): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type ‘TUTILCLASS’
[dcc32 Warning] ccclass.pas(182): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type ‘TCC’
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_ccclass.pas(24): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_ccclass.CompileImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_ccclass.pas(25): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_ccclass.ExecImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Warning] tbclass.pas(190): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type ‘TTB’
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_tbclass.pas(24): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_tbclass.CompileImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_tbclass.pas(25): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_tbclass.ExecImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Warning] dbclass.pas(49): W1055 PUBLISHED caused RTTI ($M+) to be added to type ‘TSQLDB’
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_dbclass.pas(24): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_dbclass.CompileImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_dbclass.pas(25): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_dbclass.ExecImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_tbutilclass.pas(24): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_tbutilclass.CompileImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)
[dcc32 Hint] uPSI_tbutilclass.pas(25): H2269 Overriding virtual method ‘TPSImport_tbutilclass.ExecImport1’ has lower visibility (protected) than base class ‘TPSPlugin’ (public)


They’re not critical. Though a pull request to fix them would be accepted of course.

As always, thanks for the quick reply!!!

I am confused by the answer, what do you mean by a ‘pull request’ ?
Does that mean that you will fix them?> Or, do I completely misunderstand? If so, awesome!


Pull requests are a github mechanism by which you can provide patches: