I have a DeltaChange object where I need to process all values in the NewValues row.
I need to identify the column name for each index.
How do I obtain this column name?
I am now using Delta.Schema.Fields but this list has more entries if not all fields in the schema has LogChanges.
Is it safe to make a list by taking the LogChange=True fields? Is there a better approach?
You can use something like:
var list := e.Delta.Schema.Fields.Where(f->
f.LogChanges or f.InPrimaryKey or f.ServerAutoRefresh).ToList;
We use similar checking in GetFieldIndexInValueArray
method Delta.GetFieldIndexInValueArray(fieldName: String): Int32;
var lResult: Int32 := -1;
for each field: SchemaField in self.Schema.Fields do begin
var lMatch: Boolean := String.Equals(fieldName, field.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var lInArray: Boolean := field.LogChanges or field.InPrimaryKey or field.ServerAutoRefresh;
if (lMatch and (not lInArray)) then
if lInArray then begin
if (lMatch) then
exit lResult;
exit -1;
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Thanks for the info: I created something similar with only f.LogChanges but my code needs to be an exact match.
Some kind of API interface is probably more future proof