How to add a file into android assets?

Not sure what I am missing here, I have a default android project template.
It doesn’t come with the assets folder by default, so I created a folder assets/ with a sample file inside that is on the same level where bin/, obj/ and .elements.

I checked the Project Settings that by default specify Android Assets Folder to be assets, it seems fine.
When I then run and retrieve all the contents of the asset folder with

let allAssetsPath = MainActivity.currentInstance.getResources().getAssets().list("")

it gives me back exactly 3 subfolders(images sounds webkit) without the file that I have placed in that folder.

Did I forget to do something?

Can you send me the project so i can have a look?

@mh: Give a try to default android project template.

(I resolved it by adding this file as raw resource into res/raw instead)