How to change colors for syntax highlighting and hotkeys?

How can I add a new color profile for syntax highlighting?
I‘m using the dark color preset, but I want to change general text to be something other than white.

For hotkeys, I would like to assign F5 for running without debugger, instead of CMD+R (2 keys).
Maybe F6 for running with debugger.

How to change IDE colors for syntax highlighting and hotkeys for running an app?
I can‘t find this most basic functions in Fire!?

Hi Danilo,

I’m afraid neither the color schemes or the keyboard shortcuts are customizable.

The color schemes are rather particulate, because a of of Fire’s rendering depends on drawing colors on top of each other (e.g., Selections, breakpoints, and other highlights do not change the background color, but draw different layers on top. The colors have been carefully selected to work well, and custom color schemes would most likely fail in that regard.

Fire is a very opinionated app, by design. :slight_smile:

I‘m already using Font size „Ginormous“ (the biggest font size available)
on macOS with 3 x 27“ displays (2560 x 1440).
I‘m thinking about getting a BenQ 4k developer display with a resolution of 3840x2560.

„Ginormous“ will probably be too small for a 4k or 5k monitor?

How far away are you sitting form your screen? this is “Ginormous” on 5K Studio Display, it looks huge, and I have to move 3 m away from the screen for ot to be at a reasonable text size :wink:

But I can add a couple more sized if you want. right now 16pt is the biggest. you want 32? Here ya go, for Friday:

On Windows I always used „Lucida Console“ with size 12.

On macOS font sizes are different, and it also depends on the GUI toolkit the app is using: Lucida Console, 20 Lucida Console, 19 pt
All JetBrains IDE‘s: Lucida Console, 19
Sublime Text: Lucida Console, 18
vscode: Lucida Console, 20

Tried Fire on MacBook Air (HighDPI) now, and font sizes „Huge“ and „Ginormous“ are okay. :+1:

Fire uses native AppKit, FWIW,

That does seem weird. those are “large” font sizes; What you use on Windows seems much more normal (and since you do use 12pt on Windows, I assume this is not a visual impairment issue – if so, I do mean no offense, of course; I’ve needed glasses since I was a toddler, myself).

Could it be the your macOS screen resolution setting are off? If you “need” 20pt for the code font, is n ot the rest if the UI way too small too (eg, look at the code vs the Solution tree, in the screenshots I posted – is that larger for your as well)

(FWIW, im using “Default” (native) screen resolution on my 16" MacBook (but I can use “More Space” ok too), and “More Space” on my 13" Air, and the 11pt default code font for “Medium” in Fire roughly matches the rest of the system UI…

Nah, everything is fine. :wink:

Fire with Ginormous font (line numbers font always stays tiny, it should scale as well):

IntelliJ IDEA with Lucida Console, 19:

Round about 70 lines of code is fine, in my opinion.

Fire with „Large“ font size would be over 90 lines:

Got the 4k BenQ RD280U developer display now.

Font sizes are completely different, compared to non-HighDPI.

  • Fire with Medium/Large font is okay.
  • In IntelliJ IDEA, Lucida Console font could be reduced from size 19 to 14.

So, the problem with small fonts within Fire appears only with non-HighDPI displays.


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How much would it cost to add some more (optional) syntax highlighting
to Fire/Water and allow the configuration of the colors by the user (simple json file)?

You like Fire/Water to be fast, so advanced syntax highlighting could be
a simple option: Enable advanced syntax highlighting

Choosing your own font and font size is standard today. No excuses.

I would like types (int, string, String, UInt32) and methods/fuctions (something with parenthesis)
highlighted differently. Enum Type and member should be different, like „WindowStyle.Maximize“.
Operators like + - * / should get a different color.
Separators like ; . , [ ] ( ) should get a different color.
And I want to configure the colors, Green strings are not my thing. :wink:

Would you add some more, advanced, syntax highlighting if some user(s) would
pay for it? How much would it cost?

Water/Fire are pretty good, except the Syntax Highlighting, Theme modification, HotKey modification things. :+1:

Every editor can do it fast enough:,, JetBrains IDE‘s, Visual Studio (Code), Sublime Text - so please don‘t say you can‘t do it, because Fire/Water would become too slow. :wink:

At least make it available optionally, if you don‘t like it personally. For your users/customers. :wink: :+1:

Small things like separate colors for punctuation and types already make a big difference, so the code doesn‘t look so „flat“.


JetBrains Rider:

I’ll see what i can do. “at your own risk”

I won’t dp type highliggitng, because it, indeed, wuld be a huge performance cost. Currentl;y all the highlighting is done by the editor itself, and finetunes to be extremely efficient (for the largest part of its life, in was developing Fire in Fire on a 12" MacBook Air. the machine everybody said you cant use for development. But you can, becauise Fire is that lean).

Highlighting Types would require knowlwedge about the type system, wihc means getting the “compiler” (code model) involved, wich shows everyhting by a factor of 10x-100x. That doesn’t mean it migh not it be fast enough to still be usable, but it’s not a cost thta i think is worth it.

Fire .2963, shipped yesterday, does add a distinct highlighting color for non-identifiner chars (i.e. punctuation, operators, etc).

Among a whole buch of other tweaks and fixes.

Nice! :grinning: Thank you very much! :+1:

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