How to install a NuGut package


In VS 2019, for an Element project:

The second one is not available as Visual C# project, so I click the first one:

As shown is

I run the command:


In Water, I can’t find where I can run Nuget command:

So I don’t know how to do it.

Please help, thank you.


Right now, this is a known limitation in Fire/Water; it will show you only packages already found in the local cache. I’m working on adding online search now, it might be in tomorrow’s build (but no guarantees, at least for Water, as this might need some more UI work there than I can finish in time. Fire very likely will have it tomorrow).

Until then, the bets workaround is to manually add the <NuGetPackage> tag to your .elements file with a text editor.

I’ll log an issue for the Visual Studio side, bu do note that VS2019 support is still considered Experimental.

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Thanks, logged as bugs://82513

Done for tomorrow, both Fire and Water.

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Great, I will try the new build once it is available.


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bugs://82513 got closed with status fixed.