How to keep the delta records for version control

I want to keep the version control about data changed. How to get the delta and then keep in another table?


can you give more info, pls?
for example - where you want to have this delta - client-side or server-side?

server-side has events where you can grab delta

For example, system has 10 records. User deleted 2 records. How to keep these 2 deleted records in another table? Or user changed some values. How to keep the previous values in another table?

If doing in server side, is it faster than client side? Client side is connecting though internet. So band width needs to consider too.


such operations better to do on DB level via corespondent triggers. it will be more faster

If create the trigger in MSSQL, it may be difficult to apply some business logic.


we have these events on server-side:

note: if you haven’t personal BusinessProcessor component, you can assign events to autogenerated BusinessProcessor in the DataService.OnBusinessProcessorAutoCreated event

Noted with thanks. I will try it.