HttpApi error: Generated RODL doesn't pass validation

When running this ROServer with HttpApi support the server fails to start with message:

Generated RODL doesn’t pass validation. Check Details property for detailed errors list
The details show: Element DataType is not valid: Project.Result

All objects used inherit from ComplexType. Can you explain what is causing this error? (157.4 KB)

Thanks, Kees


The error means that the result type definition is not present in the server metainformation RODL (this happens even before the HttpAPI dispatcher is initialized).

This happens because Remoting SDK considers the Project complex type as one defined in the RODL. It assumes that there is a corresponding RODL file for the _Intf-defined classes so there is no need to generate RODL definitions for them again. Unfortunately there is no RODL file containing this definition in the project so the server app is unable to start.

What you need to do to resolve this issue:

  1. Add the RODL file back to your project
  2. Right-click it and select the Convert to Code-First server command
  3. Remove the ADatoServiceLibrary_ServerAccess.cs file

After that Remoting SDK will be able to properly handle the complex type definitions and your server will start.


Hello, this part is working now