Hydra Import into Delphi 2007


We recently upgraded our environment from Hydra 4 to Hydra V6.3.0.1255. We are importing a non-visual plugin library that contains a wrapper around MSOffice Com objects. After the switch to V6, the import also brings in the information for those MS Office Com objects, which causes our Delphi application not to compile needing us to manually delete those items from the import.
Is there a way to configure Hydra back to the old behavior where it ignored downstream COM items?



Thanks, logged as bugs://85020


I apologize for this inconvenience. Unfortunately the best person to answer this off this week, but I have logged an issue to have this looked into. As far as I am aware, no intentional changes were made to the importer for v6 in this area, but I could imaging that this might have bene a change in response to a bug were dependencies were missing, before.

We’ll get this looked at, hopefully next week!



can you specify what exactly import you have used: Tools->Hydra->Import Interfaces from .NET Assemblies or something else?

Yes, we use the menu option from within Delphi to import the assembly.

I was not aware that there are any other option. I would like to be able to automate an update of the assemblies from a command line for my projects if that is available.




in this case, this is Delphi improves import from COM object and Hydra doesn’t have any influence to this import.

I am not sure I understand what that means? All we did is upgrade from Hydra 4 to 6 and the menu option for Hydra that used to be a top menu item moved into a submenu under Tools. But we are still using the menu provided by Hydra. Nothing changed in our Delphi environment other than the new install of Hydra into Delphi 2007.




looks like I misunderstood your previous post.

Can you show how file was imported in Hydra 4 and how in Hydra 6, pls?
you can drop email to support@ for keeping privacy


We have fixed the importer issue. The importer tool tried to import all COM interfaces defined in the plugin and sometimes did not exclude COM interfaces that were not related to Hydra plugins.

The fix will be available in the next Hydra build.

Sorry for inconvenience

bugs://85020 got closed with status fixed.