I just installed last version of Hydra ( and I haved create a sample module with a visual plugin.
I used HYModuleExplorer to test my plugin and I noticed the following problem.
I load the module the first time and everything works. If I unload the module and reload it, the visual plugin is no longer recognized and therefore it is no longer possible to recall it.
I attach a sample and small video
One note: if I compile a standard sample with the same version of Hydra all work fine. The problem occur only when I create a new plugin.
From what I’ve seen there are different management logics for plugin management in the initialization section.
The new plugin
RegisterPlugin('NewVCLVisualPlugin', Create_NewVCLVisualPlugin, TNewVCLVisualPlugin, 1, 0, sRequiredPrivilege, sDescription, sUserData);
The “old” sample:
THYPluginFactory.Create(HInstance, 'MyFirstVisualPlugin', Create_VisualPlugin, TVisualPlugin);
NewPluginLibrary.zip (8.0 KB)
Thank you very much