Hydra.VCL.ControlAsVisualPlugin causes application crash / shortcuts don't work


Many moons ago, I had some help with shortcuts (https://talk.remobjects.com/t/69462-closed-popup-menu-shortcuts-not-working-in-plugin/4717). This has never fully worked for me but more recently I am getting an application crash (program pauses and then dies with no error message).

If I include the unit, " Hydra.VCL.ControlAsVisualPlugin" and call THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin.Create(self) the software crashes in the scenario below:

I have a .NET host and a Delphi visual plugin. The plugin can be called from two different places. In one of those places, after the form it is hosted on is closed, there is a short pause and then the program just dies (all I have to do is show the plugin). If I remove the unit and the call to THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin.Create(self), everything works fine, but then no shortcuts work.

In addtion the “Hydra.VCL.ControlAsVisualPlugin” unit seems set up to handle “ALT” type shortcuts, but things like CTRL+C (i.e. anything with CTRL key) do not work and as far as I can see from looking in the code there is nothing there to handle “CTRL” at all?

I am using C# and .NET Framework 4.7.2 and Delphi 11.3, version of RemObjects Hydra.


Rob H


can you attach a simple testcase that reproduces this issue, pls?
it will allow to reproduce your issue more precisely.

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