Ilink32 Error: exceeded memory for block SegRelocs for the _Intf file compiled with the modern (clang based) C++ compiler


Altough I know we are few the C++Builder users here, I wonder if anybody has encountered (and fixed/workaround) this error?

[ilink32 Error] Fatal: Exceeded memory limit for block SegRelocs in module ..\Server\msaCI_Intf.cpp

The RODL file is not even that big, at least I don’t think so. 150kb, with 14 services, maybe 20-30 methods per service. The resulting cpp file is around 2,595 kb. The compiler creates an object file of around 19 mb. The classic one 12 mb… so not the same but also not out of the ordinary.

This only happens with the modern compiler. I’m still on 32 bits (as a stepping stone to later port to 64 bits). The classic compiler works “fine” here… after separating the methods from the types on my RODL file (because not doing so gave some other errors before… I don’t remember exactly what, but something also related).

I don’t really want to separate the methods/services in a set of RODL files… although I don’t really see a way forward in this case. Making the jump to 64 bits directly and hope it works? :sweat_smile:

I have yet to contact Embarcadero regarding this… but I don’t have any expectations there…


Can you send your .RODL to support@ , pls?
I’ll check it locally

Thank you Evgeny, I’ve sent the files by email.