Import go project

I tried to import this


mono ~/Documents/Elements/EBuild.exe --import-go-project

I end up with 2 projects, one of which wont compile.

Building gives

E: No member “FieldByName” on type “go.reflect.Value” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (322)]
E: No member “FieldByName” on type “go.reflect.Value” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (333)]
E: No static member “NewParser” on type “JMESPath” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (52)]
E: Type mismatch, cannot assign “Error” to “Tuple” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (53)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (54)]
E: Unknown type “jmespath.SyntaxError” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (55)]
E: Integer parameter for generic type not allowed here [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (55)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (55)]
/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/,25): duplicate-error E46: Unknown identifier “err”
E: Type mismatch, cannot assign “Error” to “Tuple” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (55)]
E: Unknown identifier “ok”, did you mean “go.html.template.ok”? [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (55)]
E: Unknown identifier “syntaxError”, did you mean “”? [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (56)]
E: Member “SyntaxError.HighlightLocation” of type “” is a expression but is used as a method [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (56)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (58)]
E: Unknown identifier “parsed”, did you mean “go.flag.parsed”? [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (62)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (68)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (69)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (70)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (75)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (76)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (77)]
E: Parameter 1 is “go.builtin.string”, should be “Reference”, in call to JMESPath.Search(data: Object): Tuple<Object,go.builtin.error> [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (82)]
/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/,33): duplicate-error E486: Parameter 1 is “go.builtin.string”, should be “Reference”, in call to JMESPath.Search(data: Object): Tuple<Object,go.builtin.error>
E: Type mismatch, cannot assign “Error” to “Tuple” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (82)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (83)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (84)]
E: Unknown identifier “result”, did you mean “go.internal.singleflight.result”? [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (86)]
/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/,36): duplicate-error E509: Unknown identifier “result”, did you mean “go.internal.singleflight.result”?
E: Type mismatch, cannot assign “Error” to “Tuple” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (86)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (87)]
E: Unknown identifier “err” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (88)]
E: Unknown identifier “toJSON” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (90)]
E: No static member “NewParser” on type “JMESPath” [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Go/sqs/ (7)]

I watched a few videos on go, so I dont know if they are legit errors.


Hmm, I get

~> Process Builder started
   The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
H: Could not check out

(and indeed, does not exist)

Strange, it worked yesterday. This is the start

Johns-Mac-mini:sqs JohnMoshakis$ mono ~/Documents/Elements/EBuild.exe --import-go-project
RemObjects EBuild. An open source build engine for Elements and beyond.
Copyright RemObjects Software 2016-2020. All Rights Reserved. Created by marc hoffman.
Version (develop) built on bajor, 20200207-180747. Commit 6feffc3.

(1/1) Importing (7 files)
(2/11) Importing (93 files)
(3/33) Importing (12 files)
(4/33) Importing (2 files)
(5/33) Importing (1 files)

This works.

mono ~/Documents/Elements/EBuild.exe --import-go-project

I was on this page yesterday

and right at the top it has this import “

so I used that url.

Ah yes. The way this works is that github url need to be adjusted a it to get from the. ice-looking url to the actual git url; the logic that does this expected https:// (and added https:// if no protocol was provided), but did to handle an explicit “http://” (which I got when copying the link from the post ;). That part is fixed.

I can reproduce your errors

  • No member “FieldByName” on type “go.reflect.Value” seems to be a legitimate omission in the gold base library; I’ll get that added for Friday.

  • No static member “NewParser” on type “JMESPath” as me stumped, as the error seems legit (the type doesnt seem to have that member). Whats also odd is that I Geta. case fix on that line, from “jmespath” to “JMESPath”. I see the type declared with the uppercase; I dont see what the lowercase “jmespath” would refer to, so the case fix seems “legit”. strange.

  • Type mismatch, cannot assign “Error” to “Tuple” and E: Unknown identifier “err” are then simply follow-up errors from that…

Actually, looks like a bug, indeed. There’s a struct called JMESPath, but theres a namespace called jmespath and it contains the method NewParser(). Some part of the compiler gets confused by the case difference.

Logged as bugs://83917: Go: namespace vs class

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