Importing Interfaces

Hello guys:

I´m trying to use an Interface in Pascal Script and I´m having some issues.

procedure SIRegister_IXMLNode(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
//with RegInterfaceS(CL,‘IUNKNOWN’, ‘IXMLNode’) do
with CL.AddInterface(CL.FindInterface(‘IUNKNOWN’),IXMLNode, ‘IXMLNode’) do
RegisterMethod(‘Function GetAttribute( const AttrName : DOMString) : OleVariant’, cdRegister);
RegisterMethod(‘Function GetAttributeNodes : IXMLNodeList’, cdRegister);
RegisterMethod(‘Procedure SetAttribute( const AttrName : DOMString; const Value : OleVariant)’, cdRegister);

On my script (as below) I try to use a method that has parameters, but it fails on compiling it, while it works OK for methods with no


LDocument: TXMLDocument;
LNodeElement, NodeCData, NodeText: IXMLNode;
DestPath, SrcPath: DOMString;
LNode: IXMLNode;
DestPath := ‘c:\temp\dest.xml’;
SrcPath := DestPath;
LDocument := TXMLDocument.Create(DestPath);

LDocument.DocumentElement := LDocument.CreateNode('ThisIsTheDocumentElement', ntElement, '');
LNode := LDocument.DocumentElement;
LNode.SetAttribute('attrName', 'attrValue'); <<<<< FAILS HERE

Compiler message: Compiler: [Error] Main(15:9): Unknown identifier ‘SETATTRIBUTE’

Is there any limitation on Pascal Script on supporting these kind of methods?

Thanks for your help. If you need any extra details, please let me know.


I´ve found why my call to SetAttribute is failing: because OleVariant is not declared to the Script Engine and so the SetAttribute method is not registered too (but no errors are emitted)

Any idea on how to declare/define it?

CL.AddType(‘OleVariant’, btVariant);

Although I can compile some test scripts, the problem now is to make it run properly.

I have a application variable called XMLDoc: TMXLDocument that I can access on my scripts. For example

LogInfo(XMLDoc.XML.Text); works OK when I run the scripts, but

procedure OnMapEvent(var Value:Variant); //LINE1
lNode: IXMLNode;
lNode := XMLDoc.DocumentElement; (AV occurs HERE)
LogInfo('lNode.NodeName: ’ + lNode.GetNodeName);

does not work fine, ie, trying to access any Interface reference is problematic. DocumentElement should result a IXMLNode, but I get an AV (Exception: Access violation at address 0040820C in module ‘Flow.exe’. Read of address 00000000) when executing the red line and basically nothing else works.

My question is:

Does Pascal Script support correctly Interface objects or Am I doing something wrong?


Logged as #49 for investigation

Hi… thanks for looking at this issue.

Do you have a time frame/schedule for this? We need to know about it because my company needs to make a decision as we have customers waiting for a specific feature to be implemented.

Thanks again

Jackson Gomes

not sure if it helps, but the error is raised on file

function RealCall_Register

mov eax,_EAX
mov edx,_EDX
mov ecx,_ECX
call p (AV occurs HERE)

Unfortunately, PascalScript is obsolete and has low priority.

can you at least please confirm if this is a bug or not? Thank you

Hello, Looks like it’s a bug