Install RemObjects SDK for Delphi on Win 10 and Delphi 7 platform


PC environment : Windows 10 Pro x64 + Delphi 7 + Remobjects SDK for Delphi

I can’t install RemObjects SDK for Delphi because, according to the log files, IdGlobal.dcu is not found. However, I have a functioning Delphi 7 install and use Indy in my projects.

IdGlobal.dcu is present on my pc in the folder C:\D7\Indy10\D7 and this folder is in my Windows search path.
See screenshot:

See log file for more detailed information:
log.xml (75.8 KB)

Can you help me install this SDK?


pls uncomment this line in

  {.$DEFINE RemObjects_INDY10D}

and manually install packages from ..\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\BuildPackages_D7.bpg

Note: if you are using Indy 10.5.8 or lower you need to uncomment other defines

Yes, this is the solution.
(I’m using Indy

Thank you.