Install Remoting sdk in lazarus


When i install Remoting sdk in lazarus v3.6 i have mode switch “DELPHI” not allowed here.
Can you help me?



I can’t reproduce this with

  • lazarus 3.4
  • lazarus 3.8
  • lazarus 4.0 RC

Thank you for reply. Can you explain step by step how install it in lazarus?


just install .lpk?

  • Everwood\Source\Delphi\RemObjects_Everwood.lpk
  • RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\*.lpk
  • RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\IDE\*.lpk

You also need these .dll in lazarus folder or in system %path% folders, according to your platform (x86 or x64):

  • libeay32.dll
  • ssleay32.dll
  • zlib1.dll

Packages use mode Delphi:

probably you have changed default value to something else …