Integrate Firebase with a Fire project

Im trying to make work Firebase with a fire project. Anybody else?

First, i have no idea how to Fire use the json config from my firebase realtime database.

I put the file on my project but always raises a exception saying FirebaseApp not initialized.

Then i find a way to setup the options in code:

var options: FirebaseOptions := new FirebaseOptions.Builder().setApplicationId('xxxxxx').setApiKey('xxxxxx').setDatabaseUrl('').build();
  FirebaseApp.initializeApp(self, options);

Works, but now when apps start raise an exception:

An exception occurred in com.genartech.peopletracker, thread 00A3 ()




Call Stack:

0000000000000000, , , ApplicationPackageManager.getReceiverInfo(), 
0000000000000000, , , zzaut.zza(), 
0000000000000000, , , zzaub.zzi(), 
0000000000000000, , , zzaue.start(), 
0000000000000000, , , zzaue$, 
0000000000000000, , , Executors$, 
0000000000000000, , ,, 
0000000000000000, , , zzaud$, 

I see also i can add dependedices with compile directive on the file build.gradle. What do fire with that? use the own dependecies from the Fire project and add that dependencies also?

Build fails even settting Android dex mdoe to incremental. I ahve to let there only two references.

As is not the standard instructions to setup with Fire, i hope anybody cabn helps here. I misssing some details different from standard configuration.

Best regards.