IROStrings and trailing carriage returns


I’ve got a long-standing issue to which I’ve never found a solution. This is using Delphi against an MSSQL server with FireDAC.

Any text or varchar(max) type columns come through into my strongly-typed classes as properties of type IROStrings.

If I’m creating/updating a record and want to assign a simple text string to such a properties, I just use the Text property of the IROStrings wrapper.

Whilst this works, it always puts a CR/LF pair at the end of the string, which is obviously a hold-over from TStrings which has a habit of doing this.

Is there any way I can prevent this and assign a string to such a property without the CR/LF on the end?

After some experimentation, using FieldByName(‘field’).AsString appears to work.
I think I’ll add additional properties to my own derived interfaces and client rules classes to implement separate “FieldAsString” type properties for this purpose.

As this will be a little tedious to implement for every such field across my schemas, I could modify the code generator logic so these additional properties are automatically created when I generate my strongly typed classes.

Not sure whether that’s really recommended though as I’d have to re-implement my changes every time I upgraded DA.


You can implement your changes and share them with us.
We’ll merge it to DA code.

Ok thanks, I may do that and send over the changes so you can see what you think.


Check if TrimRight works in your case:

procedure TCustomersDataTableRules.Remarks_OnChange(Sender: TObject);
  if not f_DisableRemarksEvent and DataTable.Editing then DataTable.Fields[idx_CustomersRemarks].AsVariant := TStringList(Sender).Text;


procedure TCustomersDataTableRules.Remarks_OnChange(Sender: TObject);
  if not f_DisableRemarksEvent and DataTable.Editing then DataTable.Fields[idx_CustomersRemarks].AsVariant := TrimRight(TStringList(Sender).Text);

Without testing, I’d have thought that would work yes.

However, it would mean changing the auto-generated strongly-typed classes and such a change couldn’t be implemented in the codegen as it would change the existing behaviour and some users may well be depending on the trailing CRLF being added.

I actually did go through all my classes last night and create new AsString functions & properties in my own derived interfaces and classes which just use the AsString property of the underlying field directly.

This works perfectly and means I can access such fields either way.
When I get a chance I’ll try modifying the codegen to do the same automatically and submit it so you can see what you think.

This trailing CRLF problem is a long-standing ‘quirk’ of Delphi’s TStringList class and has always been very annoying.


We can implement it via definition.
if correspondent definition is defined in, it will cut trailing CRLF, otherwise it will use default behavior.

but you should conform that it works for you

Ok I will when I get a chance.

Even if it does, I’m unsure whether I’d prefer that method or the additional properties I’ve now defined.