Is gradle working on Console Application Project In Java?


I made a console application and add gradle file by
"Project > Add New Item"

and trying to build it.

But it seems that Gradle is not working on build time.

Is this only working on android projects?

thank you.

Right now it’s mostly tested with android. What build are you using? Friday’s beta had a lot of improvements for gradle support. Can go send me your project?

I did just following


  1. Create a Console Project
  2. add script file through the new item dialog
  3. add like this to the script file
    dependencies {
    compile (‘’)
    //compile ‘’
    //compile ‘’
    //compile ‘’
    and build…
    it seems not working.
    only compiles blank console app without trying to resolve dependency.

gradle path is set “D:\dep\gradle-2.13\bin”

can you post the full detailed build log file?